Membership Application
WDHS Membership period is from January 1st to December 31st.
Dues are $50 for licensed dental hygienists, and $5 for dental hygiene
students and should be paid by January 15th of the current year.
Dues paid after January 15th must include a $5.00 late fee.
No late fee is required for students.
The Benefits of Membership!
Professional Contacts
WDHS hosts monthly meetings from March - December. The organization offers a great opportunity to develop new friendships and professional relationships among dental hygiene colleagues, earn Continuing Education Credits and expand your professional contact portfolio.
During our monthly meeting you can engage in activities for personal and professional growth, as well as help plan, develop, and participate with projects that help the community and promote the art and science of dental hygiene.
Continuing Education
WDHS continuing education and leadership coaching and development will enhance your clinical, professional skills and knowledge that expands and enlighten the goals and focus of professional and personal growth.
WDHS supports scholarships for dental hygiene students, including graduate dental hygiene students continuing their dental professional education, and we encourage you to apply and/or participate in scholarship fund raising activities. Click links below for application and guidelines.
Newsletters and Websites
WDHS newsletters and website are designed to inform it’s members of the Society activities, legislative updates, personal and professional web links. We regularly update our website with news, events, and information.
Employment Opportunities
WDHS will keep its members informed about employment opportunities that become available, posting them on our website and via email. So, check out our website, share your email and stay connected!
Dental Hygiene Student Applications & Guidelines​